Edison Early Childhood Education university

Welcome! The purpose of the Edison Early Childhood Education (ECE) University is to assist career pathway participants in completing their credentialing and academic requirements and to empower them to grow and develop as Early Learning Professionals (ELPs).
Support from the Edison ECE University includes:
- Professional development opportunities with content provided by the trainer partners in areas designed to holistically support the needs of ELPs and community residents interested in working in and supporting quality child care. In addition to the existing apprenticeship, credentialing, and licensing requirements, topics include:
- Racial Justice
- Entrepreneurship and Leadership
- Health and Wellness
- Community Resources
- Multi-Generational Learning Strategies
- Other topics of relevance
- Support Groups to serve the diverse and unique needs of the ELP workforce, which will include a network that is more comprehensive and expansive than the existing system of supports.
- Contextualized lessons and tutor/instructor support based on employer expectations, credential requirements, and academic requirements.
upcoming opportunites
The mission of CCR is to promote quality care and education for all children by connecting providers and families with community and resources. It is our vision that child care resources will be the community resource to providers as well as families related to childcare including: Referral, training, education and advocacy. To see available trainings in May, please click here for dates, times, and registration links.
The Stories We Tell
June 22, 2022
12:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
In person
An interactive training for early learning professionals to identify and consider the influential power they have as early educators on where, when, and how young learners see themselves and why building culturally competent environments is essential to equity. Participants will discuss in small and large groups along with having time for individual reflection.
To register, contact April Schmidt, Community Organizer and Trainer: Early Childhood Education, (269) 345-5595 ext. 383
Human Trafficking 101
After April
This presentation can be tailored to the audience and provide relevant content to best benefit the audience. Participants will learn about the National and State trafficking statutes, definitions of human trafficking, several case examples highlighting trafficking situations that have occurred in the United States, helpful tips on how to combat this crime, and how to advocate for system’s change to better serve all human trafficking victims and survivors. The goal of this training is for participants to leave with a greater awareness of what both labor and sex trafficking is and is not and be able to identify potential trafficking cases in the future.
To register, contact J. Kyon, Director of Community Impact
Healthy Relationships: Boundaries, Sexual Assault, & Domestic Violence
After April
Compares healthy and abusive relationships, the dynamics of power and control, the structure of rape culture and how social narratives have created it, the definitions of sexual assault and rape, consent, what victim blaming looks like, and resources available YWCA Kalamazoo.
To register, contact J. Kyon, Director of Community Impact
Brave Space Workshop
After May
To successfully integrate equity analysis into programs and culture, we must first build a space with the capacity for discomfort, conflict, and critique. This workshop focuses on creating harm-mitigated spaces for discussions around justice and equity, as well as a constructive analysis around power and privilege. Participants will join guided exploration on how we can use our own complex identities as a framework for the beginnings and continuations of institutional change.
To register, contact J. Kyon, Director of Community Impact
Job Search
May 3, 2:30 p.m.
Kalamazoo, in-person
Resume Made Easy
May 4, 10:00 a.m.
MW Open Lab
May 6, 10:00 a.m.
Kalamazoo, in-person
Ace The Interview
May 11, 10:00 a.m.
MW Open Lab
May 13, 10:00 a.m.
Kalamazoo, in-person
Professional Advocacy
May 17, 2:30 p.m.
Kalamazoo, in-person
Plan for Interview Success
May 18, 10:00 a.m.
MW Open Lab
May 20, 10:00 a.m.
Kalamazoo, in-person
May 25, 10:00 a.m.
MW Open Lab
May 27, 10:00 a.m.
Kalamazoo, in-person
For additional details and a complete list of events throughout Branch, Calhoun, Kalamazoo, and St. Joseph counties, please visit the MI Works! Southwest website.

Program Partners: