Event Series ESL Tutor Forum

ESL Tutor Forum

Online MI, United States

Forum leader: Jackie Denoyer (269) 348-0883 English as a Second Language (ESL) is an important part of the adult learning continuum. Immigrants and refugees in our communities are eager to learn language and literacy skills that help them function at work, school, and community settings. Increasingly, volunteer tutors are providing instruction for ESL learners. This... Read more »

Tutor Orientation

Online MI, United States

Welcome tutor trainees! This is the official orientation session the KLC requires before training, and before tutors can be matched with a learner. In the Literacy Advocacy Orientation, you will learn about the KLC’s history, programs, services, learners, and your critical role as a volunteer tutor. This training process includes an orientation, and four sessions... Read more »

Tutor Training

Online MI, United States

Welcome tutor trainees! This is the training that the KLC requires after orientation and before tutors can be matched with a learner. In these four 90-minute trainings, we will focus on hybrid learning, blended learning, and using the Laubach and Challenger series.

Tutor Training

Online MI, United States

Welcome tutor trainees! This is the training that the KLC requires after orientation and before tutors can be matched with a learner. In these four 90-minute trainings, we will focus on hybrid learning, blended learning, and using the Laubach and Challenger series.