learner portal
welcome, learners!
Here you will find everything you need for studying with the KLC including:
- Links to your virtual options
- Links to explore the site
- New class schedules
- Contact information
You can use programs like Burlington English, PLATO, and Learning Upgrade anytime. Plus, we have a collection of other learning sites you may enjoy.
Click the links below to go to the start page for each program. If you have any questions, please contact your Navigator. Happy learning!
Burlington English 
Download Student Zone and practice your English online.
Work on your skills on your own time.
Learning Upgrade
Gain skills in adult basic education with fun games and interactive lessons.
Click on the buttons to explore the site and find the perfect adult learning service for you.
class schedules
You are invited to learn with us online through our Virtual Learning Center, or in-person* at the Reading Center at Goodwill, or in our outdoor classroom and community garden.
Our Read and Seed community garden is a beautiful outdoor classroom where you and your family can enjoy learning together.
You may join virtual or in-person classes anytime. The garden outdoor classroom is by appointment only.
Click the buttons below for class schedules and the outdoor classroom sign up. Then contact your Navigator for more information.
*Masks are required for indoor classes and tutoring.
If you have any questions about your learning plan, please contact your Navigator below:

Jackie Denoyer
ESL Adult Learning Services Navigator
Call: (269) 348-0883

Rose fetzer
Adult Learning Services Navigator
Call: (269) 849-9396

Lauren Kiesling
Parent and Health Literacy Navigator
Call: (269) 348-0480
Monthly learner spotlight
Idy Cheng is originally from Hong Kong, China, and moved to Kalamazoo from Pennsylvania, with her two children, over 10 years ago. She has studied with the KLC through our ESL of Southwest Michigan program since June of 2020. Idy is a highly motivated learner who regularly attends many classes through the Virtual Learning Center: ESL Level 3, Writing, TOEFL(R), Discussion Group, Success Group, JOBS, and Health Literacy. Within one year, she has already made a level gain in reading!
Idy says one of her favorite parts of studying with us is working with Julia Stebbins in the Success Group. She enjoys the one-on-one time where she can practice English and work on her goals. In fact, she enjoys her lessons so much that she is now one of our Peer Mentors, helping other ESL students while they strive toward their academic studies and personal goals. She’s eager to give back some of what she’s gained from the KLC. Idy loves being in class; her learning plan includes attending classes and independent study.
We are so proud of how hard Idy works to achieve her goals!
more fun learning
Click the links to visit each site:
Duo Lingo
Have fun learning a new language in just a few minutes a day.
ESL Games
ESL games and activities designed for adult English learners.
Study English language arts through timely and engaging news content.
Learn the basics of technology and digital literacy including keyboarding and online safety.
Practice your mouse skills with this interactive game.
Northstar Digital Literacy Assessment
Test your basic computer and software skills with online activities.
Michigan e-Library
Search libraries across the state for books, music, audio, and more.