Parent literacy together

Welcome to parent literacy together

Calling all parents!

We want to help you:

  • Feel empowered in learning activities at home with your child.
  • Learn specific methods to support your children’s literacy skills.
  • Boost your home literacy environment.

Parent Literacy Together is a program that helps you become more engaged in your children’s learning while you gain life skills and wellness tips. Weekly sessions include fun activities that will empower parents to become more confident “first teachers” of their children. Parents can also receive a “Your Home School” kit, filled with age-appropriate books, learning activities, and other supplies that create meaningful learning experiences for adult learners and their families. 

Weekly Classes

Wednesdays, 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. in person at 420 E. Alcott St. or online. Build literacy while gaining life skills. Topics include parenting, self-care, health and wellness, and stress and anxiety management. Contact Kamaria at (269) 382-0490 ext. 263 or with any questions or to enroll in classes. 

Free On-site Childcare

Introducing the Little Scholars Child Development Center! Through this partnership with Goodwill Industries of Southwestern Michigan, we now offer free childcare for ages 0-4 for children of parents who are studying with us. The center is staffed by Mr. Mike, a trained Early Learning Specialist, and features lots of fun activities so kids can enjoy learning while their parents learn.

family literacy day

Join us monthly from May-October in the Read and Seed community garden for Family Literacy Days! The community is invited to come have fun learning about health, gardening, and literacy in a beautiful outdoor setting. Each month features a cool theme, with free books, an engaging story time, sensory activities, and fresh veggie harvesting. 
Click the links below to learn more: 

monthly forum

Parent Literacy Forum 

Partners, tutors, and parents are invited to join us to learn about our services and strategies for helping parents become more confident and capable first teachers to their children. We explore multigenerational learning techniques and share experiences around teaching adults with low literacy. 

4th Fridays, 12:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. 
Virtual meeting via Zoom 

Program partners include Goodwill Industries of Southwestern Michigan, Talking is Teaching, and the WMU Dorothy McGinnis Reading Center and Clinic. Parent Literacy Together is supported in part by Shared Prosperity Kalamazoo, the Harold and Grace Upjohn Foundation, the Irving S. Gilmore Foundation, the Marvin and Rosalie Okun Foundation, and the Wisner Family Foundation.  

Keep in touch

Sign up to our mailing list for occasional news & announcements.

Kalamazoo Literacy Council is a member organization of ProLiteracy. 

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